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"Impacting rural education for students, rural communities, and their shared futures."

School Division Submission

Grande Yellowhead Public School Division Participates in Indigenous Foundational Knowledge

Grande Yellowhead Public School Division is a welcoming place for peoples from around the world and includes Treaty 6 and Treat 6 Territories, peoples of the Aseniwuche Winewak Nation, and the Mountain Metis. In these photos, Indigenous Pathways Lead Teachers participate in Indigenous Foundational Knowledge learning experiences with Dr. Dwayne Donald from the University of Alberta and Kehteya Bob Cardinal of the Enoch Cree Nation at the Teaching Lodge on Kehteya Cardinal's ceremonial lands. Each GYPSD school has a lead teacher responsible for sharing their learning with their school colleagues who then bring that learning into their classrooms. Visit the Grande Yellowhead Public School Division website to see how our Division is supporting the learning of Indigenous languages, cultures, and histories to address the TRC Calls to Action.

Story submitted by: Dr Kelly Harding.

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